Travis County Jail Help Center / BondHow Do You Get Out Of Travis County Jail?

How Do You Get Out Of Travis County Jail?

First you have to see the judge, which can take up to 48 hours for a felony or 24 hours for a misdemeanor. After you see the judge, the judge will tell you that you have four ways to get out of the jail.

The first way is by posting a cash bond. What this is, is your family member pays the jail the exact amount of the bond. And if everything goes smoothly, you go to court. Every single time you finish your case, then you get the entire amount back minus a $50 admin fee.

The second way to get out is with a bail bondsman. These are insurance companies that charge you between 10 to 20% of the bond amount, but your family member has to cosign for it and be on the hook for you to come back to court.

The third way is with pretrial services, and they are the free way to get out, but it’s discretionary based on their criteria, and not everyone gets out.

The last way is if you want to shortcut the whole process go talk to the judge directly, then you hire a lawyer. This is your personal middleman between you and your family member, and we can go meet with the judge, and get you out ASAP.